Thursday, May 08, 2008

KIndergarten round up

Yesterday was a big day for Bee. It was the kindergarten round up day. She, along with lots of other 5 year olds around town, got to go visit kindergarten (with their parents) for a whole hour in the afternoon.

Bee picked our her favorite dress and "running" sandals for the event. We visited the three kindergarten classrooms, and played with the rice table, tried to do some sign language from a poster she saw, used one of the computers, and looked at all of the student art hanging up. We also visited the music room, the art room, the gym, and the library.

Several of her friends from K-club were there too and so she played with them during the scavenger hunt around the school, which was the last activity. Bee was hoping that today's visit meant she was finally a kindergartener and was a little disappointed when I told her that today she needed to back to k-club!

Oh and during the scavenger hunt Bee found the little soft red seats by the office which she really liked. She also asked for an extra "Marble Muskrats" bracelet so that she could give one to Frankie. Thats our girl! We're so proud of you bee!


Purvs said...

Angie, You're now going to become an elementary school expert!

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