Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Happy Winter!

Its Dec 21 and that means..... its the shortest day of the year! Up here in the north country that means that we have 9 hours, 2 minutes and 8 seconds of sunlight! Its the same for tomorrow too, but then we are on the upswing. Come January 1 we will have gained over 4 minutes with 9 hours, 6 minutes and 10 seconds! I won't mention that our sun is not rising until 8:10am now. That is quite a few runs in the dark under the stars. Also, it is our lowest solar noon, with sun only at 23.9 degrees above the horizon. We turn the corner Dec 26 when we hit 24.0 once again. Woot! Ah, the days of summer when we are at 70+ degrees above the horizon! But today its getting up to 40F. I know that January is looking to start off very cold (according to the extended forecast) so i will take these mild winter days with a smile.


speedracer said...


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