Sunday, June 13, 2010


So 3 years ago we planted strawberries. The first year we had abut 2 or 3 strawberries. Last year we dont really know how many made it to the juicy red stage because we were in scotland. this year we have probably over 100 that are good or getting reading for the picking. Still, we have more that have been eaten by birds, critters or dogs, and so we're not sure it's worth the garden space. But for now we are enjoying those we have picked for the family. We still have a ton more to ripen... and they look like they will be ready in the next few days! Here are some we are enjoying today!


ColleenD said...

We use nets to cover our favorite fruits and veggies when they are getting ripe. It keeps the biggers critters away but still lets the pollenators in. I think we have enough to share.

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