We decided we wanted to try to run about 2011 miles in 2011. That is the A goal, and actually more like the pie-in-the-sky goal. Let's say that the B goal is 1600 miles (about what we ran last year) and the C goal is just to run for health and have fun. Well really the C goal is the A goal, too, as it is the most important. In any case, we wanted to make this kind of fun, so we mapped out where in the world 2011 miles would get us! Google maps suggests that we could run to: just past Las Vegas, NV, Spokane, WA, Alberta, Canada or Tampico, MX. Now, Las Vegas or Mexico seems nice and warm... but Spokane just seems like fun. Actually it is exactly 2010 miles from our home to Downriver Park in Spokane, so we will have to run a loop of the park if and when we make it. I think I'm going to add that we can add walking miles too, but for now, just running.

We will post our progress each month, and maybe celebrate some destinations along the way. Maybe we will make it. And maybe we won't. But its going to be fun trying! If you want to track your mileage, if you are running, walking, biking, swimming or any combination thereof, a free on-line site that we really like is:
Running Ahead. We keep our mileage there, and it provides monthly and weekly summaries, plus you can input daily information, like pace, distance, maps, and other notes. If you want to join us for some of the journey, we'd love to have you! Just track your mileage!
So, how far did we get in January? To East Dunes Highway in Portage, IN (185 miles). Nice place to be in a blizzard. haha.
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