Update: video
Angie & Chocho ran the
Canine Cruise 5k yesterday on campus, and while it was a little chilly, the girls and I cheered them on. It was a fun event because the people and dogs dressed in their holloween costumes. Here's Angie as the Wicked Witch of the West and Chocho as her Winged Monkey.
Posing just before the start of the race. Note Chocho's black monkey tail! |
You have to use your imagination for the wings, but Choch's costume comes complete with black monkey tail, and though you can't see it in the photo, angie has green face makeup on. They not only came in second place overall for person+dog, They also won the award for best costume. Yay!
On the trail at Woldumar. |
Later in the day, we went for a walk at
Woldumar Nature Center. The photo above was just too cute not to share.
Update: Angie and Choch made the State News! See the video here, or click on the image below.
Now, I love this video - Go Wicked Witch of the West and Monkey. Absolutely the best runners and best costume (just ask momma).
Very nice pic of Bee and Frankie on the trail at Woldumar. Those girls have traveled many trails. Muwah!
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