Colleen (my SIL) tagged me to list 4 things I have learned/did in the past 4 years and 4 things I hope to learn/do in the next 4. So here goes:
1. had not one, but two kids and am learning how to be what I hope is caring, loving, good mommy
2. bike trip with scott and girls to the lake along the Kal-Haven trail (where we carried everything on our bikes!).. see upcoming post
3. started a blog with scott for our family, and also started a blog with my sisters and parents for our family
4. visted Japan with my family
what would be new adventures
1. visit a few states we've never been to before (the dakotas, montana, alaska)
2. teach the girls to read
3. teach the girls to ride bicycles
4. plant and cultivate some blueberry bushes in our yard (yum!)
OK, stay tuned for the details on our bike trip. But suffice it to say that was a BLAST!!
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