Thursday, September 25, 2008

Calvatia gigantea

So, what is that next to the soccer ball? I admit I was completely creeped out to find a gigantic mushroom in my backyard. Actually not just one but 5! So, with a little sleuthing and help from a neighbor, I *think* its a calvatia gigantea.  According to the mushroom,

"The giant puffball, Calvatia gigantea, is easily recognized by its size and shape. Typical specimens are about the size of a soccer ball, and more or less round. However, it can be much larger (a 5-foot, 50-pound specimen is on record!). Like all puffballs with white interiors, Calvatia gigantea is edible before the flesh begins to darken and turn into spore dust. In fact the giant puffball can be found in farmers' markets across the Midwest in late summer. It is frequently sliced into "steaks" that are then battered and fried in butter. The fact that puffballs are tasteless, and that the resulting morsel tastes more like batter and butter than anything else, does not seem to deter."

So, anyone have some butter and a frying pan?

Ok, Im still creeped out!


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