Sunday, October 05, 2008

MSU rally

Barack Obama visited MSU this past week. I think my favorite picture of all is the one of Bee and Frankie standing by the MSU rock, which was painted for the occasion.

Anyhow, I was asked to volunteer for the event, since Ive been volunteering in the east lansing office. My  "job" for the day was to stand in the stands right behind the stage until they were ready to fill the seats. Since I was right behind the stage, I decided to stand right up next to the stage during Obama's presentation. When he left, he step off of the stage and shook hands, and so I got to shake his hand!  It was a cold day and overcast, but that didnt stop about 20,000 students, faculty, staff, and others from hanging out. Oh and I was standing next to the football team and the secret service - i know you cant really see him, but that is #23 (Javon Ringer) at the end of the row. anyhow, i put the football pic in for those of you who may not be Obama fans but love the spartans! Go Green!


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