Wednesday, October 29, 2008

interesting science experience!

Each monday I ask my students (seniors at MSU) for any interesting
science experiences from the week. As you can imagine I have my own
to share (including bringing in those super sized mushrooms from a
few weeks ago and asking my students to dissect them!). Anyhow, Well,
here is an interesting science experience I thought I'd share here. I
was driving home from a meeting in Detroit on monday and a wicked
cold front was coming through. Its a long drive, about an hour and
half, most of which is on the highway. We were having bands of "ice
pellets and snow" interspersed with sunshine and wind. it was really
odd. So anyway, I was passing through an ice pellet and snow band and
the sun came out and i saw a rainbow. Im not sure Ive ever seen a
rainbow with ice and snow before so it was cool and reminded me of
the rainbow I saw in hawaii! I would have taken a picture, but i was
trying to drive on the highway and take in the rainbow at the same
time, so couldnt manage the pic.


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