Monday, January 10, 2011

Week 1 = weak one?

OK, just kidding on the title but seriously this push up challenge is hard! We've decided to do 2 things: 1.) repeat week 1 until we can get a solid complete days worth of push ups done with decent form; and b.) revise the plan so that there are more than 90 seconds between sets. Something like a few hours will do. Ha Ha. Pathetic? Maybe. But much more reasonable. We will still get there, it just may take till Christmas! Slow and steady wins the race....


ColleenD said...

We finished week one and moved on to week two. However Genna has been doing pushups at gymnastics for years and I am dramatically modifying my pushups. I am doing kitchen counter pushups with absolutely perfect form. After two weeks I hope to graduate to stairway pushups and slowly move down to floor pushups in the next month or two. Just.....keep..... moving!

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