Tuesday, March 04, 2008


We also made it to the Rio Grande zoo in Albuquerque. It was a bit warmer and really sunny.  The girls were very excited to see the elephants because of the pictures Scott took in India! We also saw seals and sea lions, chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, elephants, polar bears, giraffes, hippos, camels, tamarins, koalas, Mexican wolves, mountain lions, monkeys, jaguars, zebras and rhinoceros! I only had my phone camera so my pics arent great, but I had to get a pic of the girls with the elephant!  The girls really loved the chimpanzees, and were quite taken by how much they resembled people! they really loved the baby chimps with the mommies! As you can see Carlie made it to the zoo, too. She has been all over the place!



Cuddles said...

I want to go to the zoo too!

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