Friday, June 15, 2007
OK, the answer is sloppy discs. I only partly get it. sloppy - floppy. but Im still stuck on what discs have to do with pigs. someones gottta help me on that! In other news, Bee is doing the library's preschool reading program. She had to do seven activities this week. here are a few she did: read to someone younger than you for 20 minutes (that was easy, she does that anyway!), read a ghost story (we decided pale green pants worked well enough for that), read a nonfiction book about science (fun!!), and draw a picture about a book you just read. So this afternoon we will head over to the library and get her prize. Franks is a bit jealous too because she isnt old enough for the program, although she did read her maisy book to her doll yesterday. it was so cute! OK, a couple of pics from the playground!
Okay, so I I was wrong. I thought the answer might be a "HAM drive."
I don't think my lame answer is any better (or worse) than the official lame answer. I gues if you want quality literature you don't look in the freezer section of the grocery store!
I think your answer is definitely better!!
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