Sunday, December 30, 2007


The middle school near our house has an awesome hill for sledding. The snow was packed just right so it was a fast ride down, and a slippery climb back up! We started off on the "bunny hill" and worked our way up to the big hill. I thought that Bee and Frankie would be scared, but they just kept asking for more! I have to learn how to steer a bit better because we kept cutting sharply to the right, but the heels in my boots, I've decided, have good stopping power! Bee even went down by herself, crashed landed, and came up laughing. I was so proud of her! Go Bee!

here are the girlies going up and down the hill...

and here is bee going all by herself!


ColleenD said...

Wow, that brings back great memories of sledding at Frost Middle School and Cascades Park. We haven't yet found the perfect sledding hill here in VA.

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