Tuesday, January 16, 2007

It's the thought that counts???

Marky and Koompa were hanging out in the kitchen while we were making supper last night. (We had salmon so I think they especially were interested in our food). Frankie, who was helping out in the kitchen, opened the cupboard door and took out a can of beans and brought it over to marky, and set it down before her, just like we do with their bowls of dog food. Then she said, Food Marky! Eat! Then she went back over to the cupboard, and pulled out a can of stewed tomatoes and did the same thing for Koompa. Poor doggies. They just looked up at me, hoping I might either open the cans or replace them with fish. Frankie was so proud of herself though.

Yesterday Bee said she wanted to go back to New York because she wanted to eat pizza. Im glad to see that she has that town figured out. We were there for three days and had pizza three times. Four if you count the airport.

This morning it is 13 degrees out (-10C) but who is complaining? It is going up to 23 after all. Its suppoed to be the warmest day of the week. Sitting inside, with a cup of coffee, the snow and ice crystals do look very pretty. We finally have our winter wonderland!

We forgot our camera in NYC at a friends house. But when we get it back we will post some pics of our trip.


ColleenD said...

I'm with Bee. Pizza and Bagels are the best part about NYC. (Okay, two of the best.)

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